Damon Beck, Griffin Police officer’s brother, apprehended for 2021 murder


The GRIP has learned that Damon Marquis Beck, a suspect in the May 9, 2021, murder of Javarreis Reid, has been arrested.

Beck is currently being held in the Spalding County Jail on charges of murder and aggravated assault.

Beck is the brother of Griffin Police Department Sgt. D’Marquivius “D.J.” King.

King received a written reprimand on Nov. 30, 2021, for covering up his brother’s alleged involvement in Reid’s murder.

Arrest warrants were taken for Beck, Isaiah Trice and Shantavia Godfrey in July 2022, but Beck and Trice have since remained at-large.

Beck was arrested the same day The GRIP published the first in a series of articles based on its investigation of this case.

Publisher’s note: Additional information related to this case will be reported as it becomes available.

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  1. bpgr16gmailcom says:

    Thank you for putting out this information!

  2. A letter of reprimand for interfering in a murder investigation? What does the actual murderer get? Thirty minutes in time-out?

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