Discovery of woman’s body in Griffin Crossings Shopping Center under investigation


Authorities are investigating the discovery of a body in the Griffin Crossings Shopping Center.

According to Griffin Police Department Chief Mike Yates, the body of 65-year-old Linda Watson was located at approximately 7 p.m. Sunday in the area near Mo’s Southwest Grill, close to the intersection of Highways 92 and 19/41.

Spalding County Coroner Michael Pryor said Watson’s body was found by a man walking in the area.

“A gentleman walking down a sidewalk had noticed a bag of oranges over in the edge of the shrubs there. He walked over to get the bag of oranges and discovered the lady deceased in the shrubs,” Pryor said.

The manner of death is unknown.

“At this point, nothing has been determined. It’s an active investigation by the Griffin Police Department and the Coroner’s Office,” Pryor said. “She’s pending transport to the (Georgia Bureau of Investigation) Crime Lab. She will be transported there for an autopsy.”

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  1. What in the world is happening to Griffin?? I’m ready to leave! This is a small town and it’s being taken over by horrible people. Not safe!! Watch your back!!!

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