Children’s wants should never be more important than a family’s needs

This editorial column by Maria McCoy was previously published in the print edition of The GRIP. A few weeks ago, my family decided to eat a little later than normal. We met at Applebee’s and unfortunately, there were only two waitresses there, so the wait for our food was pretty long. Upon leaving, my 16-year-old […]

“I know” always stops the flow

This editorial column by Dusty Takle was previously published in the print edition of The GRIP. “I know.” I can remember growing up responding to my parents with “I know” when they would say something to me. Every time, my dad would say, “Don’t say ‘I know.’ Say, ‘yes, sir’ or ‘yes ma’am.’” I had […]

We all should fight for social justice

This editorial column written by Maria McCoy previously appeared in a print edition of The GRIP. Why do the problems of social justice and reform belong to us all? After visiting the Civil Rights museum in Atlanta this weekend, I read a quote that really struck a chord. “First, they came for the Socialists, and […]

Sometimes parents need tweaking

This editorial column by Dusty Takle was previously published in a print edition of The GRIP. I have found myself the past few weeks correcting Jett and how he responds to me. “Remember who I am,” I’ve told him. “You are not allowed to talk to me like that,” I’ve told him. This has not […]

Parents of sick kids: You are not alone

This editorial column by Maria McCoy previously appeared in the print edition of The GRIP. I have previously written about those who suffer their disability in silence, but I want to touch on a subject with which I am incredibly familiar. I want to talk to the parents of the sick kids. I want you […]

Learn to love yourself

This editorial column by Dusty Takle previously appeared in the print edition of The GRIP. Matthew 22:36-40 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and […]

Bet you can’t eat just one, so don’t bite

This editorial column by Dr. Bob Hayden was previously published in the print edition of The GRIP. The title for this discussion was taken from a commercial for potato chips. The maker was daring us to try to eat just one chip, knowing that the American taste for calorie-dense, salt-laden junk food is overpowering. Really, […]

What are you allowing to master your life?

This editorial column by Dusty Takle was published in the previous print edition of The GRIP. What Is Mastering Your Life? We are created in the image and likeness of God. This is your inherent DNA. It’s mine. There is no getting away from it. There is no getting out of it. There is nothing […]

The effects of racial inequality are not confined to the past

This editorial column by Maria McCoy was published in the previous print edition of The GRIP. I grew up in a middle class conservative Christian family. Because of this, I have had many advantages; however, it would be remiss of me to fail to mention the disadvantages as well. First, let me say that I […]

Coping with cancer through chiropractic care

This editorial column by Dr. Bob Hayden was published in the previous print edition of The GRIP. I just realized how alliterative that title is. I assure you that was accidental, but, notice that I left it as is. Early this morning, a potential patient approached me for a consultation. This lady has a form […]

Some things should be left behind

This editorial column written by Maria McCoy was published in the most recent print edition of The GRIP. The things we are not taking into 2018……. The pain. The awful, excruciating pain of 2017. It must stay behind because it is crippling. It is suffocating and debilitating and has held me under for far too […]

Remember that every disappointment in life is an appointment with God

This editorial column written by Dusty Takle was previously published in the most recent edition of The GRIP. It is honestly hard to be as raw and real as this post will be. Because, I am a positive girl. I take captive thoughts that drain me, that aren’t good for me, and I’m usually really […]

Don’t fear falling to the ground, for what is broken can be rebuilt

This editorial column by Maria McCoy was originally published in the most recent print edition of The GRIP. I can’t say that I have suffered depression my entire life. I have had events occur in which I needed some sort of anxiety or depression medication for a short while, like the death of my father, […]

Marriage means giving what your spouse can’t and hitting 100 percent together

This editorial column by Maria McCoy was published in the most recent print edition of The GRIP. I hear people say it all the time – marriage is 50/50. I used to get really irritated and say to them, “No. Marriage is 100/100.” I was wrong, y’all. So incredibly wrong, and I apologize for leading […]

Learn to recognize the signs of domestic violence, and grow to care enough to help

This editorial column written by Maria McCoy was published in the most recent print edition of The GRIP. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and that is a wonderful, worthy cause. I also want you to be aware that it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This week, a group of us came together to […]